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Clairefontaine index 192p A4 checked 5/5
Index complete binding 11x17 cm
Directory spiral binding 148x210 mm 180 pages 5x5 Clairefontaine
Alphabetic directory spiral binding Exacompta Linicolor size 9 x 14 cm 100 pages
Directory spiral binding Clairefontaine Metric 210 x 297 mm 180 pages 5 x 5
Index spiral binding Clairefontaine Metric 17x22 cm 100 pages
Spiral directory Oxford Address Boox 17 x 22 cm pre-printed 144 pages.
Index, stapled, 96 pages, 11x17 cm
Clairefontaine index 96p A4 stapled, checked 5/5
Index stapled 96 pages 9x14 cm
Index complete binding 9,5x14 cm
Directory spiral binding Exacompta Linicolor size 11 x 17 cm 100 pages
Index brochure 96 pages 11x17 cm
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Your are now on the page Directories .The customers who have consulted this page, have also visitedthe following assortments : Scripts, notebooks & directories containing Scripts, Notebooks or Loose leaflets & copies .