Moving boxes

(23 articles)
Moving box, JM Bruneau 550 x 330 x 300 mm double undulation with handles

Moving box, JM Bruneau 550 x 330 x 300 mm double undulation with handles

Moving box with handles brown kraft double undulation H 35 x W 50 x D 28 cm

Moving box with handles brown kraft double undulation H 35 x W 50 x D 28 cm

Carton à verres, en carton ondulé, brun

Carton à verres, en carton ondulé, brun

Moving box Fellowes - large

Moving box Fellowes - large

JMB moving box 550 x 350 x 330 mm

JMB moving box 550 x 350 x 330 mm

Transport box with label holder

Transport box with label holder

JMB moving box 350 x 275 x 330 mm standard undulation

JMB moving box 350 x 275 x 330 mm standard undulation

BANKERS BOX Carton déménagement SmoothMove Standard

BANKERS BOX Carton déménagement SmoothMove Standard

Gb_carton de déménagement ´cargo-box-plus s´,marron

Gb_carton de déménagement ´cargo-box-plus s´,marron

BANKERS BOX Carton déménagement SmoothMove FastFold

BANKERS BOX Carton déménagement SmoothMove FastFold

Moving box with automatic folding system SmoothMove Prime FastFold Box Fellowes

Moving box with automatic folding system SmoothMove Prime FastFold Box Fellowes

JMB moving box 500 x 350 x 280 mm standard undulation

JMB moving box 500 x 350 x 280 mm standard undulation

Gb_boîte de transport boîte à livres

Gb_boîte de transport boîte à livres

BANKERS BOX Carton déménagement SmoothMove Classic

BANKERS BOX Carton déménagement SmoothMove Classic

Gb_carton de déménagement ´cargo-box x´, marron

Gb_carton de déménagement ´cargo-box x´, marron

Carton de déménagement CARGO-BOX-PLUS AUTOMATIK

Carton de déménagement CARGO-BOX-PLUS AUTOMATIK

Moving box Fellowes - medium

Moving box Fellowes - medium

Gb_cartons de déménagement ´cargo-box xs´, marron

Gb_cartons de déménagement ´cargo-box xs´, marron

Moving box Fellowes - small

Moving box Fellowes - small

Gb_bankers box transit carton de déménagement smoothmo

Gb_bankers box transit carton de déménagement smoothmo

Gb_bankers box transit carton de déménagement smoothmo

Gb_bankers box transit carton de déménagement smoothmo

BANKERS BOX Carton déménagement SmoothMove FastFold

BANKERS BOX Carton déménagement SmoothMove FastFold

BANKERS BOX Carton déménagement SmoothMove Classic

BANKERS BOX Carton déménagement SmoothMove Classic

More information

Your are now on the gamma Moving boxes .
Have you thought of consultingthe following assortments : Wrapping material containing Packages, Palletization & films, Bags or Shopping bags, Gift wrapping.