Polypropylene sorting files with elastic string (6 articles)

Viquel Expanding File - Cheque Size Rainbow

Viquel Expanding File - Cheque Size Rainbow

Plastic accordion sorter Viquel Rainbow 8 divisions black

Plastic accordion sorter Viquel Rainbow 8 divisions black

Sorter Extendos bi-material 12 divisions colour

Sorter Extendos bi-material 12 divisions colour

Accordion plastic sorter Viquel Rainbow 6 divisions black

Accordion plastic sorter Viquel Rainbow 6 divisions black

Signature file in plastic with bellows Rainbow

Signature file in plastic with bellows Rainbow

Sorter Extendos bi-material 7 divisions colour

Sorter Extendos bi-material 7 divisions colour

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You are now visiting the gamma Polypropylene sorting files with elastic string.
Have you thought of visitingthe following assortments : Sorting folders containing Carton sorting files with elastic string, Carton sorting files without elastic string or Vertical sorting files & cases.