Everything you need to know about company stamps

The material, the mechanism, the size of the content, personalised (with or without logo) or customisable... To choose a company stamp, these criteria must be studied closely. We explain everything to you! How to choose a company stamp?

A little background

The rubber stamp was introduced in the 19th century thanks to the vulcanisation of rubber. Vulca-what? Vulcanisation. This is in fact THE process that allowed us to use rubber in a rigid and solid form ... and then to make stamps! Thanks to whom? Thanks to Charles Goodyear! Thanks to him, we can now tell you about the stamps that make it easier for billions of professionals around the world to organise their work (and we are only slightly exaggerating).

Three criteria to consider when buying an ink stamp

There are different types of stamps on the market. And to make the right choice, there are these three simple questions to ask. 1


This may seem obvious, but before looking at the price, colour or shape of the stamp, it is essential to check the number of lines available and their length. It is best to make a list of the information you want to put on your stamp to see how much space is needed: name, address, website, telephone number, logo, VAT number, etc. Take care not to make your stamp too small and risk making it illegible. On the other hand, don't make it too big either, there must still be some space left for the text on your document!

To learn more about how to create the corporate stamp and what information to put on, feel free to check out our article "How to create a custom rubber stamp?"


The wooden stamp, in general the favourite model of managers and bosses. We like its elegant and refined look, which surely will give the office even more cachet. The only problem is that it requires a separate ink pad!
The metal self-inking stamp: extremely robust and ideal for repeated use in the office. Its practical mechanism is activated by a single gesture in order to rotate the print on the paper. The only drawback is that it is heavier than its counterparts.
The plastic self-inking stamp: the little brother of the metal stamp is just as practical and quick to operate and - unlike the metal model - is much lighter and therefore easier to handle! It also takes up less space, but is not as robust as a metal stamp and is therefore more suitable for moderate use (if you are a stamping enthusiast, don't bother ;-).
professional wooden stamp
The pocket stamp: compact and practical to use, this portable model can be easily folded and unfolded and stored in the pocket of a jacket or bag. Made of lightweight plastic, this stamp is the perfect companion for professionals who are on the move!


You don't necessarily think about this when choosing a stamp, but it's a good idea to check the available ink refills for the model you've chosen. It would be a shame to have to move heaven and earth to avoid running out of ink, wouldn't it? Plus, checking the available ink refills, will ensure you're doing a good job by anticipating the costs of refills!

There are many professional brands on the market and some stand out from the crowd! Trodat and Reiner, for example, are historic brands that have greatly contributed to the evolution of ink pads. They are the best, but they are not the only ones! Brands such as Colop, Tiflex and Avery also offer excellent value for money solutions.