How to choose a professional desk?

The work desk is the masterpiece among office furniture, but how do you know which one you need? Dimensions, materials, types of work surfaces and shapes to be respected... We look at it all here, so that you can make the right choice.How to choose a professional desk?

The different kinds of work surfaces

The straight desk
With this model, you choose the essential aspect without hesitation! Due to the rectangular shape, this basic model is certainly no less functional. It takes up little space and is still one of the cheapest models. That is why it is often used in an open space.

The compact desk (or the corner desk)
With an extension on the right or left, the compact workstation offers an additional work surface compared to a straight workstation, and offers a comfortable space to work with a computer.

The 120° desk
We really like this model for better interaction and communication! Why? How? Simply because of the shape, because you can form different workstation blocks (average 3 to 6), which is very practical in an open space.

The (double) corrugated desk
This design model with an elegant appearance due to the specific cut-out offers a larger work surface and more comfort than a straight workstation.

The manager desk
It is "the boss" of the furniture. If you install it in an executive office to symbolize trust, authority and prestige, it ensures a real wow effect.

The desk materials and the reflection of the light

Raw wood for authenticity, metal or glass for an industrial look, lacquered for a very modern look... We are often seduced by the look of a desk, the design, the finish, the material and the color, but beware: don't forget to take the luminance effect into account.
The luminance is the reflection of the light on the surfaces. It is the cause of the glare that interferes with concentration and causes visual fatigue.

For a bright room prefer dark and matt colours, such as cherry wood or metal.

For a dark room prefer bright colours, such as lacquered white, beech or oak. This helps to diffuse the light and maintain your visual comfort.

The norms and sizes of desks

Although most workstations respect the applicable standards, it is not superfluous to check the classics. To be sure, simply check some sizes! In what follows, you will find what the NF EN 527-1 standard recommends...

For the height of the work surface
fixed height between 70,5 and 73,5 cmadjustable or adaptable height between 68 and 76 cm sitting/standing height between 71 and 120 cm. This working model is increasingly recommended in the fight against a sedentary lifestyle and back pain... Discover all our sit/stand solutions (workstations and stations).

The depth of the work surface
80 cm for a flat screen At least 110 cm for a cathodic screen (but, among us, if you still have an old screen, it's time for a change !)
The position of the computer
The screen should be between 40 and 70 cm from the eyes, and at the same comfortable angle as the keyboard.

The undercarriages of the desks

In aluminium, in white, in black, in cherry, in oak, in contrast to the work surface or not... You choose what you like best. Here it's more about aesthetics and utility, not the official standards.

The connections

Loose cables in which your feet get tangled? No thanks! In order not to leave electrical cables lying around on or under the work station, and also not around the feet of your visitors, you should consider cable passages when purchasing a work station. You will see, certain models are equipped with discrete cable ducts under the work surface or in the legs...Another idea: the Cable Drop: these are small suction cups that you attach to your workstation and that hold the power cables of your smartphone, tablet or computer together...We love them!

With this valuable advice (and expert references!) you are now ready to buy the workstation of your dreams and sing 'Oh my buuureaaau, oh oh, you are the most beautiful of all desks' ♪♫♬