How to clean your computer mouse and keyboard?

Keyboards and mice attract all kinds of dirt... and we handle them all day long! When you consider that our hands come into contact with our face up to an average of 3000 times a day, the notion of hygiene takes on a whole new dimension. To avoid contamination, a keyboard and mouse must be cleaned at least once a week... We explain how to do it. :) How do you clean your computer's mouse and keyboard?

The keyboard, a dust trap

The keyboard of a computer is designed to have gaps (for example, between the keys) where all kinds of impurities accumulate. Food remains, dust, not to mention coffee stains or other marks that accumulate on the keys ... a feast for microbes! A keyboard should therefore be cleaned at least once a week, and even more often if you use it every day. Here's how to do it.

Step 1: unplug the keyboard
First of all, if your keyboard is wired, disconnect the USB cable from your computer. If it is wireless, turn off the power. If it's your laptop, turn everything off!
Step 2: remove dirt with the aid of a compressed air aerosol
Turn the keyboard over, shake it and tap it gently to knock off accumulated breadcrumbs and other dirt. Once most of it is gone, use a anti-dust spray to get rid of the remaining debris. These compressed air sprays are equipped with a nozzle that allows you to get into all the hard-to-reach places between the keys (be careful, some models are made of flammable gas!). Keep the nozzle about a centimetre above the keys and blow everything away!

Step 3: disinfect the gaps between the keys
Now that all solid impurities have been removed from your keyboard, we can move on to the real cleaning work. Take a flat-tipped cotton swab specially designed for computer devices and dip it in cleaning foam or spray suitable for plastic. Using the cotton swab, gently and carefully wipe down the sides and around each key.

Remove dirt with a compressed air sprayer
Step 4: clean the top of the keys
Finally, we tackle the top of the keys! Put some disinfectant on a soft microfibre cloth and rub the keyboard gently. Make sure you do not skip any keys! Alternatively, you can use cleaning cloths. In both cases, do not press too hard on the keys, otherwise they may pop out!

Step 5: don't forget the finishing touches!
Take a dry microfibre cloth to wipe off the dust and dry the cleaning products you have just applied. Plug the keyboard back in and you are ready to go!

The computer mouse, an extension of our hands

Although a computer mouse does not hold dust as well as the keyboard, it is still a breeding ground for all kinds of microbes! Due to the constant contact with our hands, the mouse retains a lot of dirt every day and therefore needs to be disinfected regularly.

To do this, disconnect the mouse if it is connected to your computer via a USB cable or remove the batteries if it is a wireless mouse. Take a soft microfibre cloth and soak it with a disinfectant. Clean the entire mouse, top, bottom and all around.
Remove the last traces of dirt from the wheel and the housing by using a cotton swab soaked in a cleaning solution. For the finishing touch, use a dry microfibre cloth. Your computer mouse is restored to its former glory!