How to set up a manager’s office?

Shape of the worktop, storage furniture, space provided, desired design,... A manager's office must not only be functional, but also radiate charisma and reflect the spirit of the company. Here are some tips to make this space practical and unique at the same time.How to set up a manager’s office?

The goal of a manager's office

A good image
The manager's office is often, not to say "always", an individual office. But unlike a classic, individual desk, this space must also match the image of your company.

And a large confidentiality
Negotiations with commercial partners, human resources, "top secret" projects, conflict management,... For all these reasons, the manager's office must guarantee peace and concentration and ensure complete confidentiality of the conversations.

Which furniture to choose for a manager's office?

Even if you opt for a design look for your manager's office, you must not forget what the foundations are to be able to deliver good work: comfort and functionality!
With regard to the workstation, the director can opt for a more original worksheet shape, but only if this does not overload the space. Also pay attention to the choice of material: for a more prestigious look, choose high-quality materials, such as glass, wood or metal.
For important appointments, we recommend a conference table or a corner desk, along with some seats. That's the least you need to be able to talk about important topics: bringing in new customers, refurbishing the premises, signing new contracts, drawing up an evacuation plan in case of a zombie attack, et cetera, et cetera.
For more informal meetings, a sofa or seat and a low table provide a sympathetic touch and reflect a more relaxed management style.
how-to-furnish-a-manager's-office With regard to the storage, a manager's office must demonstrate organizational talent. There is no question of just leaving all files lying around, so you can't even see your beautiful desk. Of course everything depends on the size of the room and the volume of your stuff, but in any case, there are more than enough solutions: lockable cabinets with key , shelves and bookcases, secure drawer cabinets on castors, ... Determine your requirements and choose your storage furniture accordingly: they come in all shapes, materials, sizes and colors, so that they always perfectly match the atmosphere of your desk. .
And for the decoration, you have free rein to create your own atmosphere and set the tone. A modern, classic or contemporary look? You don't immediately need an artwork for a stylish design: with the frames, a wall clock, a coat rack, a desk lamp,… you can easily combine the useful with the pleasant!
But before investing in this, make sure that the chosen furniture respects the applicable standards.

Organize the space of a manager's office

For an individual office, the NF X 35-102 standard recommends a minimum space of 10m² for a single person. For a manager's office, one should avoid cluttering the space at all costs. Preference is even given to large, free spaces.
Does all this seem a bit too abstract to you? Here, you will find concrete guidelines to determine your space and needs:

FurnishingSpace occupation
Desk(1,2 m × 0,8 m)0,96 m²
IT material 0,64 m²
Chair 1,00 m²
Visitor's chair 0,80 m²
Storage cabinet 0,60 m²
Space in front of the cabinet 0,60 m²
Space for moving the chair 1,20 m²
Space for organizing important documents 0,60 m²
Circulation within the office
Width of the passage= 0,80 m
Length of the passage = 3,60 m
(or the total length of the furniture)
2,88 m²
Display 0,50 m²
TOTAL9,78 m²
Prestige + (Functionality x Comfort)² / Safety = the sum is made! From now on, you know the secret formula to create a perfect desk. But if you wish, you can also leave this mission to the real furniture experts at Bruneau Furnishing, after all, the guidance and service are for free!